New course

33CFR Part 105.215 Security Training for all other facility personnel

Nick LaFleur
1 Student enrolled
  • Description
  • Curriculum
  • FAQ

The goal of this course is to provide the minimum training required to access ports and facilities to all employees, visitors, vendors, and contractors. Additionally, this course can serve as refresher training to those who have already had the training.


  • Facility Security Officer (FSO)- definition & role
  • Facility Security Plan (FSP)- definition and use.
  • MARSEC Levels.
  • Identifying suspicious characteristics or behaviors of persons who are likely to threaten security.
  • Identifying dangerous substances & devices.
  • Techniques used to circumvent security.
  • TWIC provisions and policies.
  • Cyber security basics

Course Material

Attached to the introduction is a downloadable pdf of the MTSA handout. This handout should be used to answer questions posed by members of the USCG during their inspections. The handout contains all the information an employee needs to pass an MTSA field inspection and should be kept close at all times. The material is SSI when specifically linked to a facility and must be protected under 49CFR 15 and 1520. The material is © MSCG and cannot be edited, shared, or distributed in any form without the express permission of the author.

What is the target audience?

  • New hires- temporary, permanent, full or part time
  • Visitors, vendors, contractors

All persons requiring access to a port or facility must possess the knowledge in this part through training or equivalent job experience.

Who is eligible to take this course online?
All facility personnel, who do not have assigned security duties, and have completed at least one classroom training session on this topic, are eligible to take the course online.
Will this course enable me to work at any port facility or terminal?
This course covers the mandatory training set forth by 33CFR Part 105. Each port, terminal, and facility may have their own requirements on top of the federal mandates. You should check with your local authority or supervisor to ensure you have all the qualified training. This course should be considered a baseline for all other training and for facility specific training and while it gives you authorization to access a port or facility, it does not give you the right, nor does is bypass specific requirements layered by the port or facility.
What will this course allow me to do?
This course will enable you to prove that you have the satisfied required training in accordance with the regulations. This will speed up your processing of port specific access criteria and it will help you pass any field inspection conducted by the USCG in this part.
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Course details
Duration 1.5 hours
Lectures 10
Quizzes 5
Level Beginner
Full lifetime access
Access on mobile and TV